Privacy Policy

Commitment to Privacy

As part of our commitment to privacy, 2UP Casino values safeguarding your personal information and maintaining clarity on how it is obtained, used, and distributed. This document details what information is gathered, why it is collected, how we protect it.

Information Collection

Data collection has two components at Two Up Casino

1. Traffic Data

– Cookies and Logs: The web page uses cookies and logs from the web server to obtain traffic data that is completely anonymous; it gathers information without knowing who you are specifically. This helps in improving the user experience by studying patterns on how people use the site — where they go, what they click on, how long they stay, etc. 

– Third-Party Tracking: Third-party services may also be used to track website traffic and its trends— not only in terms of numbers but also in understanding what people are looking for when they land here.

2. Personal Information

In response to voluntary submission, users disclose personal details including but not limited to name, email address, and payment particulars when registering for the services offered by the platform or participating in any promotional activities. Sensitive data that include details regarding financial dealings and personal identification are required elements as they play a major role in guaranteeing uncomplicated and secure operations.

Usage of Information

1. Service Delivery

We acquire personal data to deliver gaming services, facilitate transactions, and establish communication with the users. This information is also necessary to enable the customization for the best experience in the services we offer. 

2. Information Sharing

Information could be shared with third-party service providers and partners who are involved in the service delivery. At the same time, personal information may have to be divulged when required by the law or subpoena.

Marketing Communications

1. Promotional Offers

At 2UP Casino, if you register with us, you may start receiving promotional emails and newsletters as part of our opt-in policy. You can opt out of these communications at any time through the links provided or by reaching out to our customer support.

2. Targeted Advertising

Ever noticed ads that seem to know what you like? That’s 2UP using the data we’ve collected to personalize your experience even further through targeted advertisements based on your preferences and behaviors.

Data Security

1. Encryption and Protection

The website protects all transactions using SSL encryption with a 256-bit key, ensuring that users’ data and personal information are secure and inaccessible to unauthorized parties. Although the casino ensures that robust security measures are in place, it is impossible to guarantee 100% security. 

2. User Responsibility

– Password Protection: Users are responsible for securing their account credentials and ensuring that the casino is contacted immediately if any unusual activity is observed on their account. 

Policy Changes

1. Amendments

– Notification: 2UP Casino reserves the right to make adjustments to the privacy policy. The website will publish changes, and users are advised to review the statement on a regular basis. 

– Effective Date: Adjustments go into effect as soon as published. 

2. User Agreement

– Continued Use: By accessing the site post-publishing, users agree to accept the amendments to the policy. 

Contact Information

If users have any questions, problems, or concerns about the privacy policy, they should notify the 2UP Casino customer service team.